eventos biológicos em 2012 .

10th International Congress on Cell Biology & 16th Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Cell Biology

    . "The International Federation for Cell Biology (IFCB) and the Brazilian Society for Cell Biology (SBBC) are working together to host this Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from July 25th through 28th, 2012.
The aim of this Congress is to provide an exciting forum where undergraduate and graduate students, post docs and researchers from around the world can freely discuss about Science, in general, and different aspects of Cell Biology in particular, to start new collaborations and define future trends for cell science and technology. Efforts are underway in putting together a comprehensive and inspiring program broaching at least 30 different topics".

    . 25 a 28 de julho de 2012

Local :
. . . Rio de Janeiro - RJ.

. . . iccb2012@interevent.com.br

. . . http://2010.interevent.com.br/sistema/__hotsite/index.php?cod_eventos=15&cod_conteudos=102


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